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Monday, 8 June 2015

Ohh weeell

You would of thought I would of finished being ill, oh no, no sooner than I got rid of one thing, I ended up with another.  Did not spend a good birthday at the beginning of May as I could tell I was not well and ohhh boy was I bad. Starting to get better but hope to be completely better soon. 

I have managed to do some sewing and feeling really proud with what I have achieved.

I have done a couple of children’s Mai –tai’s and love the fabrics I chosen. I found the basic patterns on the web but adapted them for me.

I have done some basic models and a luxury version.

I have also made some sewing weights out of fox fabric and also made some teeny weenie ones too.

Thought I would also show you my lunch bag I made, very handy for transporting my lunch and I hope to introduce a version with insulating batting in to keep things hot/cold.


Kay xx