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Sunday, 18 July 2010

Rain rain go away and come back another day

Sorry did not post after Letham but been busy and at work and not been feeling too good either!

Good news at work, I have been awarded a deputy team leader position, so very happy with that.

Letham went well even though it was raining a lot!! Was up early and out of the house by 8.30 am, Martin stayed at home and was at church at 9.30 am and surprised his mum and dad with his appearance!

The main event in the village square got cancelled and moved to the village hall, there were a few cancellations in the hall so got a bigger table for the same price, was really glad though. Sold a lot of cards this time, people loved the nappy cakes but unfortunately no-one bought, mainly as they did not know what sex the baby was!

these are better than the first lot, as I bought cello from ebay, and managed to make my own labels, even putting perforation on where the price was so that you could tear that off!

Made this fantastic easel card, using the free papers by Nancy Watt, that came with Making Cards magazine,

Made this card using the My Craft Studio and using images, printed the background directly on to the card and the man and the trim above and below him was done directly on to the acetate,
one man at the fair was really enthusiastic about the card to his mate!

Very seriously looking at doing a fair in Perth in November in time for Christmas, have to look at a few options first of all.

Somebody on money saving forum showed people how she made some fantastic wedding invites, so went onto PDA card to order the required elements so hopefully should have some new designs to show.

Making a card for my youngest nephew who is into football, got a free digi stamp from Pollycraft she regularly give freebies away on a friday, will post the card when done.

Got the new Popcorn platimum collection and Souffle cd from Crafters Companion and made cards for neices who just had their birthdays the only change I would of made is that instead of putting all tape on the tummy front, I should of curved the paper and just put a small foam stamp on and made it look more 3D. Here is the other one

Oldest nephew had his 16th birthday recently, hope he likes the card, found my copy of Making Cards, men magazine special that they did and used that jsut making a few changes

any way better go and finish that football card!
