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Friday, 30 April 2010

Ouch and Ouch

It was a sore one! You guessed it, I injured myself again. Was with my husband at our local supermarket at their recycling centre, got out of the car, did not realise that the handbag strap was around my ankle and fell straight out of the car! Thankfully only a couple of scratches, so not too bad!

Being trying to improve what I do in the card making side of things, and made this card for a crafters companion competition using the new Beatrix Potter CD that they brought out. Had a bit of problem trying to cut the lines as my craft knife went all over the place but have managed to disguise it! The decoupage is from the CD and the centre image is from the stamp set. The gold frame in the middle was using my cuttlebug. I then printed out a co-ordinating paper and then stamped “here comes trouble!” in a zig zag on the paper after cutting it out in strips.

I have also been using my Cricut and I have to say that I do love it! I used one of the wedding carts to help somebody on a forum and decide to use the Flower Faries set from Crafters Companion and printed some of the papers onto acetate and then made favour boxes using the Cricut cart. As you can see they are fab.

I have started looking at digi pictures, and found a great company called Lily-Boo’s Boutique, and found some lovely images. I bought the cuttlebug image which is fab, the window set and the mum set. I never really used digi images mainly because I did not think I could colour properly, but I bought some pro markers and have been using them. I did also get some flesh tone colours and hope I can improve on shading etc. But I am sure that most of us are like that/

I also finished a cross stitch that I had been doing for my sister in law’s birthday, discovered at Christmas that she loved giraffe’s and remembered that I had this. It is called “a nudge from mom” by an artist called Diane Querry. My sister in law WAS impressed with it. I also made a card from a Joanna Sheen CD to go with it.
I have also been doing some knitting and used the fantastic pompom wool that I bought ages ago, the finished product is here in the shop for sale.

Just bought the new My Craft Studio CD, Illustrious Illusions can’t wait to get, and to top it off, my husband has very kindly bought me a Martha Stewart Punch around the page, Deco Fan set for my birthday this week! And to top that off, waiting on a voucher so I can purchase Joanna Sheen’s new Ivory cats cd! Can’t wait to get playing with it!!
That’s all for now, see you later!

Kay xx

New Blog spot

I have removed the blog from the web site and started to use this instead, I aim to put more of my pictures up of what I am doing.

Here is an archive of what was previously posted before:

Cough; cough, bang, bang........
That’s all you can hear in this household at the present time. Cough, cough because my husband was not well towards the end of January (ahhhhhhh) having major problems with his sinuses, and then in turns very kindly shares his germs with me and as a result, I am not well and end up at the doctors needing anti-biotic as it gets major for me. The good news is that I am on the mend , finally!, after being on holiday for 1 week, but the bad news is that my husband is developing sinus problems again!
The bang, bang, I hear you ask? We are getting new windows installed; the house is totally out of sorts! At Christmas we discovered that there was mould in the house, and as the windows are 20+ years old and wooden, it was letting the air in everywhere, I finally (me!) put my foot down and insisted that we find out about cost as due to my asthma could not let the situation go on. Thank fully we got a good deal after dithering for a while on price, and got them delivered just over a week ago. We knew a local joiner (his parents live on the same landing as us) and he has been able to fit them. Luckily I was on holiday this last week and he was able to do a full day on Tuesday as he had no other work on, and got 4 of the 6 windows fitted. He came back and finished the outside part and did the interior for the upstairs. He came on Saturday and fitted the large living room window, as he needed some help with it being large and the dining room. He has to come back and finish the interiors but should be doing that on Monday. The budgies packed their suitcase on Tuesday and moved to their grandparents stating that the noise of the joiner and of us coughing was too much for them! They are very happy at their grandparents, but don’t like the idea of not being able to fly (grandparents don’t let them out!). Hopefully they will be back later in the week.
We have also been back to see the photographer about the album and have given him the go head to order. Should be here by the end of the month.
Did not do much on my holiday this week, to knackered being ill meant that I did not have too much energy to do anything. Work is on strike Monday and Tuesday, hoping to get out on Tuesday and maybe get my hair cut as well, looking to go to Perth or Letham, can’t make up my mind where to go.

Kay xxx

Well it’s the end of the year! (nearly!)
We are nearly there, nearly 2010. Hope 2009 was a good year and that 2010 will be even better. Santa was good to me, got some lovely presents from family and friends, hubby and I agree to spend a set limit only which was good. Not had much time from crafting as being doing a lot of overtime at work, had a wedding to pay for! The honeymoon in Skye was great, good weather even if the sun was not shining it was certainly great for us. There was certainly fun at work when I went back under a different surname, the confusion was fantastic. Half the staff directories had been updated the other had not, so people looking for Kay Forsyth were wandering around the building “going who is Kay Forsyth, can only find Kay Wild” it has taken a few weeks but people are putting the two together! I am okay with Kay Forsyth but add Mrs in front and it is a different ball game. Was in the bank trying to set things up and she kept say “certainly Mrs Forsyth” and I am thinking who is Mrs Forsyth! Glad I did not speak aloud, it seemed more real once I got back to work as I would be using my name for often! Did not help that I also started wearing contact lenses on a regular basis and the person who sits opposite me gets confused!
Was bad for Christmas, I bought a Cricut Expression machine of a seller on Ebay, and got it delivered in time for Christmas. The overtime is paying it off! But I am a very happy bunny! I do have the cuttlebug and I do love it but it’s the lettering that annoys me. Now I can do larger letters and things. I got 3 carts with the machine and have ordered a double pack for £20 from a seller in Edinburgh, should be here tomorrow!!!! This should take the crafting to another level.
Have also made some favour boxes, I have adapted the Arty Farty Template for the Tilly cake box, to make smaller boxes which can hold miniatures and will be looking at experimenting with other things to see how things turn out.

Knitted a fantastic cardigan for my niece, in the space of three days, not bad for a last minute item, but not sent as I need to obtain some ribbon for it. Was going to send it with the Christmas parcels, but due to them going skiing (lucky things, they go every year!) I had to send Ellie’s Santa presents down so that they could take them with her (DS games) and will send my sister and the cardigan down in the New Year.
Went sledging with hubby and a friend of ours, we got some hamax hotseats and they are fantastic, although I managed to hurt myself, got a lovely bang to my head and cut eye and lots of bruises in places I did not know existed! The scary part is when coming down the hill about halfway you ended up turning and going downhill backwards! Especially as there were goalposts about! The challenge being is to try and go in between the posts! Being a sucker for punishment going back tomorrow, maybe take the camera this time and my bike helmet!!!


Kay xxx

But it’s not your birthday........
So how come you have cake? Was my three old niece question as to why we had cake at the wedding! The day went splendid. We had the rehearsal on Friday afternoon and caused upset as we skipped up the aisle after being pronounced husband and wife, the priest threatened not to marry us the next day and it was caught on camera, but not allowed to send to you been framed! You can see it here. We had a meal at the hotel on the Friday night in the hotel restaurant which went well, had to ask my sister to be Matron of Honour during the service as the priest wanted somebody to the duties. Went to sleep had a terrible night, woke at 1am and could not sleep, pottered about the hotel room, getting the bridesmaids dresses hung up, the shoes sorted next to my dress. I then fell asleep and then woke up with a start on Saturday, and wondered where I was and what was happening! The day went fine, the makeup girl arrived and re-did my nails as they had been done on the Thursday when I had my tan done, but spoiled some of them afterwards doing things for the big day! My hair got put in curlers and then my bridesmaids arrived. I am then wandering the hotel floor with my hair in curlers trying to locate other members of the party. My sister went back to her room to put her contacts in and Ellie went with her, when they came back, Ellie had insisted that she bring her dress and shoes so that they could be hung with the others!
I was late, but that was the best man’s fault, he got to Martin’s mum and dad house late and so I ended up being 25 minutes late. Martin did ask if anybody in the Church wanted to be a substitute if I was not there in 5 minutes! Everybody enjoyed themselves, It was funny going in the vintage bus to the church, lots of be people looking, pointing and waving at me and us on the way back. Pictures can be found here. The flowers were gorgeous, we had also arranged for a display for the front of the altar in autumn colours and they look fantastic. We had lovely red roses and went well with the rest of the colours, Ellie insisted on playing with her hair after it had been set and pulled the head-dress out, we managed to convince her to leave alone! Martin was very nervous during the service and did not relax until after the service and really let down his hair! (Not that he has a lot!) The party went well, and people really enjoyed themselves. Finished at midnight and went to sleep in the honeymoon suite. It was quite spooky during the evening, we met another couple who had their wedding in the hotel earlier in the day, and they were on their way down to the reception, she had a dress similar to mine! They were a lovely couple. We then went on our honeymoon to Skye, but will save that for later!

Kay xxx (now Mrs Forsyth!)

Tiara and tantrums
Has Elton John come to Dundee? No! Just the wedding preparations that have been going on! Tantrums over the seating plan as OH family took over with their preferences! and tears from me. Slowly everything is coming together. Only 4 weeks to go. The cake has been paid for so has the car, organising the service, speaking to the hotel about the reception, going to the dressmakers for fitting, found the underwear just could not get hold of it, thankfully found a shop in Wales which had stock. Finished the table cards and just sorting out the table plan. Got the headdresses for the girls and my own jewellery arrived. Just getting the girls shoes, had the makeup trial, had the hair trial, had an appointment with the opticians and got a current prescription, and got an appointment with another company for contact lenses! We have the honeymoon booked for a self catering 1 bed bothy in Skye, it looks fabulous on the website and the sun rise and sun settings are to die for!
The budgies are causing trouble, our regular pet shop that has really good millet has shut down, so we went to another pet shop to get their millet, they are refusing to touch it! So we went to a pet shop in town and bought some, they had their delivery on Thursday so hopefully they will start eating it, fussy birds! We also bought some cuttlefish which is ERNORMOUS! But we are in the process of finding a low flying budgie warning sign to put up in the house, they still fly very close to us at times. I was sitting on the sofa last night and the two of them were on the seat next to me which is pretty unusual for them especially Bluey. They are learning when to go into the cage at night without any real problems, only when they are being pests that we have to lower the light and sit in the dark waiting on them going into the cage. There is a verbal disagreement every night as they fight over a perch, not like they are short of perches, but it is THE perch! They also really enjoy having baths. Menace is seen to be on her back with claws in the air like she is swimming backwards! The one time we let them out of the cage afterwards, Martin and I got wet from them flying about the living room!
Been busy at work as well, did some team leading which I enjoyed very much and got some valuable experience for any future promotion boards.
Anyway better get back to the wedding preparations!

Kay xxx

"the budgies are squeaking!"
said my soon to be 3 year old niece on meeting our budgies! Middle of the holiday we came home for the day as Martin wanted his waterproofs (too much rain) and a shower, so up we came with Ellie. We had showers and Ellie had a bath and watched tele. We then went over to Martin's mum and dad to see them and there Ellie met the budgies. She is not to sure of birds as she had a bit of a bad experience with seagulls, but just kept saying when they were speaking, "the budgies are squeaking!"

The weather was mixed, the first week it was sun in the morning and showers in the afternoon, thankfully my sister was there with her caravan!
We went on a trip to Berwick and was fab, we also went to Edinburgh during the last week only to discover that the funeral of the firefighter killed in Edinburgh a few weeks before was taking place. It was very moving. We also eat plenty of fresh fish caught from the sea which was a hop and skip over the fence!

Here is Martin relaxing in the tent this might of been at one point when it was raining!

Last year we found a fantastic little gas heater and it certainly keeps you warm at night in the tent, although it initially did not work and we discovered that a piece of metal was bent and preventing the safety catch to go down. During one of the mornings I had my hat on, Martin then bent the rim to make me look like I was wearing a paddington bear hat! He seemed to find it very funny! Not!

We took Ellie to the local play park one day and Martin wanted to have a go , well men are big kids really aren't they! Just glad he did not get stuck! Although there were some council workers making a fence they may of helped!

Ellie had great fun and was having a great time, then Auntie Kay and Uncle Martin took her further into the town and found a proper ice cream shop and she got a chocolate cornet, and then we went to the beach to eat it before going back to the park again for another play!

We took her to the beach and as you can see she wanted to pretend we were all on a picnic, and wanted to carry the bag as you can see the bag was as big as her. When coming back we met a lady who could not stop laughing on seeing Ellie!

I bought her some dressing up shoes and bag and loved them, she was seen several time teeting across the grass to show them off!

Well I'd better go, got a wedding to plan

Kay xxx

glass of wine!
Got a nice glass of wine in my hand in the middle of a field! The weather is mixed with rain and wind and seems to be the only way to get through the camping in a tent! Their was some nice weather and OH and me have nice brown faces and arms and legs! We were at a casino night last night in the large marquee in the site and it was fantastic, playing with pretend money and trying to win as much as we could, shame it was not real money! My niece is lovely, she has been tiring everybody out, she got a bike for her birthday and has been very good in trying to ride with two wheels and peddling. OH and me took her back to Dundee when we went to get some more waterproofs. The tent at times feels like it is going to take off! but from last year we were expecting that.

The invitaitons have been sent out, when we come back next week the fun will start, the dress has arrived and is safetly stored away from OH eyes, it will be all systems go from next week. The painful part of paying is coming upon us. I also have to make Ellie's bag for her to carry.

Speak to you soon!

Kay xxx

Hang out the bunting!
Only 3 months to go! Got a call from the shop in Aberdeen last week to say that my order was in! Been up to today to try on and brought away with me today, I know, but was too worried about the shop especailly in this credit crunch. I also took the shoes that I will be wearing as well, which made it easier to see that the hem needs to come up, and there will be a small tuck in the bust half to make it fit better and apart from that it fits! Currently in a duvet cover to limit any crushing and hanging on the side of the wardrobe. All that dieting is working! here is the site for the dress, the trim is claret. Finally managed to find some crushed burgandy velvet to make a bag for Ellie. The first lot of material said claret and looks more purple! The invitations have been posted and have started to find two more hymns for the order of service. We went to the florist and ordered the flowers that we want.

Going on holiday next week, to North Berwick in a tent, hope it is not raining! Will see Ellie and my sister and husband and other family members. Bought a mobile dongle so will be able to log on when away. Taking some cards along to see if anyone wants to buy them. Will post some pictures of some of the trips we are considering.

Kay xxx

How easy is it to ...........
put ribbon in a hat in a circle and not have problem! That was the dilemma that I faced when making Mop Caps! Made a double skeined mop cap and was fine although I was not sure about the elastic. But as it was only had enough material to make six single skeined caps. Yes 6, I know I said earlier 5, but I had to text the person in question to confirm if they were having hair up and she then asked if there was enough for six! So I set about cutting them out. As you can see I managed to get them done.

Very pleased with the result, and other and half and me have decided to make dolly bags out of the same pattern for the bridesmaid and I have found some lovely satin material for the inside, just need to find some velvet. Have now treated myself to an over-locker, which I am waiting on coming today. It was a pain to try and fold the material over just a short amount to neaten the edge of the circle! Then putting the ribbon on and trying to keep it in a circle. Bought 7 metres with the view I would have loads left over! Did I? No! Just enough for me to tie in my hair, is all that is left! But never mind glad I have done them.

Was at a first confirmation last week and the weather was fantastic. The young girl in question looked lovely in her dress and veil! We took our pop up gazebo along as they did not have any shelter, and glad we did, I spent the day under that shade and another guest is now going along to the place that we bought ours and buying one! Think we should get a commission!

Wedding coming along nicely, ordered my shoes, just waiting on dress and finalising the finner details like hymns and menu and florist - the photographer said to us that we were laid back. My team leader at work is getting married next year and said she wanted somebody to organise it and I was volunteered! I don't think so! But I will offer to make her cards!

Kay xxx

Fun and Games
Being having fun and games as usual. My birthday was a few weeks ago and had a very good day. The weather was very nice (always on my birthday it shines!) My birthday was on a Saturday, came home from work on Thursday to a bottle of fizzy rose wine from my other half, was working late on Friday but as soon as I came home, the bottle was opened! Saturday we arranged for my future in laws, both sister and mother and father to meet in Debenham with the two girls who are going to be bridesmaids. We had heard that there was a sale on some of their dresses. After about an hour we ended up with a beautiful Ivory dress plain top with a beaded half waistband and then four layers of organza material, they look lovely especially with the Burgundy cardigans being knitted for them! Email to my sister to let her know so that she could take my niece into their nearest store to find one to fit her. We came home and then went back out for tea and some drinks and then went to see his nieces in the King and I show at the local theatre. Bliss.

Got asked at Christmas to make a mop cap for other half's cousins daughter who is doing a ballet show, she remembered a couple of weeks ago, and somehow I have ended agreeing to make 5! Being using a lazy suzy to see if I can get the size right! But found a great web site from a lady in America on how to sew everything, need to get the sewing machine out!

The wedding plans coming along, have finished all the cards now, just need to write the invitation and post, and order the inserts for the order of service cards. Other half was looking at songs for the service and decided he wants a drinking song or songs out of the suffering section! Guess who got hit! The jewellery has been ordered and that should arrive at the same time as the dress, but as the dress is going to Aberdeen and the jewellery to Dundee somehow don't think it will meet till later, but having to keep my mouth shut, as I want to tell other half what it is like. Asking around for a local dressmaker just in case rather than using one in Aberdeen saves on the journey. My sister and her husband went in with Ellie and they have got the same dress for her as the others. She loves, she love twirling around in it as the layers give a good effect, I have asked for a picture. She is only 2 1/2 but they had to buy an aged 5 to ensure it fitted in October! Things starting to come together.

Kay xxx

work and wedding
Time is flying by, went to Aberdeen over the easter period to get measured and that is my dress ordered! Being having fun getting things organised and working. Decisions to be made, we have decided upon the flowers. They will be dark red roses, and I am having large green leaves of the bouquet, with the girls having smaller versions. Ellie the youngest we decided to have a wand for her and maybe a small bag for her. Thought being that young she might not really appreciate holding a bouquet!

Working hard at my main job as usual a lot of changes going on, but that's the joy of being a civil servant eh!

Started making the cards, only 90 in total to make for the evening, main invitation and the order of service. Got the pictures printed, had a bit of a disaster with the peels offs, as I had to order more, got them only to find they sent me gold instead of silver! Fair enough to the company as soon as I mailed them, they got the right ones out to me within two days. That's what I call service!

Kay xxx

wedding plans coming along
Well, have been busy, trying to get a new web site up and running and planning the wedding.

For those who don't know I am 35 years of age and work as a civil servant for the last 7 years, some of my hobbies include card making, sewing and reading.

I have lived with my partner for the 8 years and have been together for 11 years. We decided last year that we would get married!

Plans have been going along merrily since we announced our plans to your families, had one horrible experience with a lady in a bridal shop who was trying to sell me a dress that I did not really like but would not sell me the one I did want, but it turns out she was actually closing but just failed to tell anyone! But she also did not have a nice attitude any way!

At the beginning of Feb, my mum and I went to Aberdeen to a stockist of the dress I had seen, well I got to try it on and tried on others but went back to the first one! Keep wanting to tell Martin what it is like but having to keep my mouth shut! Go back next month to get measured, did not get measured as I have been losing some weight and wanted to lose some more. My future mum in law, sister in law and niece are all going to Scottish Slimmers since the beginning of January and steadily the weight is coming off, lot of people are noticing and it does show on me.

The cake we have got from a lady here in Dundee and when Martin tried a sample of her cake at a wedding Fayre it was delicious! So we are going for a three tiered cake, bottom fruit cake, middle lemon with lemon curd as a filling, and top is a carrot cake! I will submit a picture of Martin in his outfit and a picture of me and my dress for her to make a personalized topper of us! We are having three girls as flower girls aged 3, 9 and 11, and pageboy of 6. I have also made a ring cushion of the forsyth tartan and edged with lace, it will have Burgundy ribbon to hold the rings! Looks fantastic!

as you can see!

See you soon!

Kay xxx